Founder of Wealth Mustard
In 2017, I moved to New York City with $300 and $2000 on my BofA credit card, my net worth then negative $1700. I have turned that to a positive net worth and paid off a six figure debt woohooo!. I am inspired by New York City, which faced 9/11, 2008 crash, and recently the March 2020 Covid pandemic. The City that never sleeps always comes back stronger, resilient, productive, and generous. I now call this city home, from my City hustle and bustles in tech, law, finance, and education, I decided to start the Wealthware Program to share the Software and Hardware to build WHealth.
All In, Let's Go.
Why: Wealth Mustard
The Mustard Seed is one of the smallest seeds that can grow into a Huge Tree. With the mindset of a Mustard Seed, you can begin your journey from Smallest to Hugest. I am motivated by my passion for education. Less is more, simple is hard, I want to share with you what I have learnt about finances and WHealth in simple and fully transparent intimate session.
We make financial decisions everyday of ours lives. The education system will not adequately teach people financial literacy and how to build a net worth and that's why I started the Wealthware Program.
I have played soccer, basketball, swimming, and run 3 miles under 20 minutes. All these sports affect the development of your mind, character, and body differently. The 2 common denominators for all; Effort and Endurance and the outcome is clear. That is the Spirit behind Wealth Mustard.